Demons are real enough

3 min readMay 28, 2021


subheading: ontology isn’t a joke

Hey man, how’s it going? Hit that comment line below! ATF/CIA/Mossad please I am helping Medium generate revenue don’t worry about the details.

I know that demons are real, and it isn’t weird to say it anymore. My friends got banned for saying that COVID came from a lab, and now it’s just the New Hip Take. 2021 is the year for relentless, zealous, irritating-at-the-water-cooler truth.

(Kill Your Soul for Money for Free)

There are people online that will talk to you about ghosts and demons for hours. They will sit in their room, the room that they spend all day in, and they will tap away at their keyboards and tell you all the different kinds and brands, subtypes, archetypes, Latin names, all the Best Demon Meta Builds (This one DESTROYS your SOUL!). That’s a distraction, it’s getting lost in the Forest for the Trees.

You decide what is real.

You are the divine.

You are that which decides what is real and what is fake.

It doesn’t really matter if the little red devil is sitting on your shoulder in the fourth refracted ray of reality, influencing your star chakra. What matters is that there are little worms in our heads that do not come from ourselves. They are the accrued detritus of a life spent underneath the crushing burden of language. The little voice that sits behind your eyes and smashes your Ego with a baseball bat every time a woman breaks eye contact with you, that tiny little buzzing sound that sits up in the (((brain))) and convinces you that every minute spent on Twitter is somehow constructive, that you are somehow helping by pushing ad space for a goat fucking silicon valley pedophile, the part of you that still can’t forgive your mother and father for not being everything you needed.

You can do a little religion, it’s called we do a little religion around here. I don’t think praying the Rosary drives demons from your body, I think it forces you to consider your own mind Holy. Your mind is a Holy Place. Please. It is a Temple to God. The pain you feel, the joy, the little Schizo Happy Up Happy Down Fun Time, all of that is the timber that builds up His Temple. You are created by God to Praise Him through Great Works.

Somebody Telling you to Get Yourself Together wants you to Bend Your Knee to Mammon And You Know We Aint Bout That

Great Works seems like you should be joining some sort of militia, burning down an Applebee's, taking over an oil rig, Going Full Mormon Fuck It Man Why Not. Great Works are the things that make you feel Alive. God wants you to not just be happy, but to be constantly pausing constantly growing constantly always praising shining.

So if there’s any advice, it’s to realize that the little cross you put around your neck was the first step, and that you can keep going and keep getting better.

And that God has a plan for you, for your Father, for your Mother, and for all those in your life. His plan is, and always was, you.




Written by Dasein

subject for whom being itself is an issue warranting action

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